Virtual Teen Night: Come to Party & Plan!
Enjoy Virtual Teen Night festivities—inspired by Derrick Adams’ installation, We Came to Party and Plan—from the comfort of your home! A creative space for high school teens (ages 13–19) to join together in this LIVE event and show off their talent, fashion, and art.
RSVP required! Email rsvp@hrm.org and we’ll email you a Zoom link. This event will also be live streamed on the Junior Docents’ Facebook page.
Submit your work! Interested in showcasing your creative talent in an open mic, fashion show, or art exhibition at Virtual Teen Night? Submit a video or picture of your artwork (4 minutes maximum for talent, 2 minutes maximum for fashion; it can be a TikTok video). An HRM Teen Programs coordinator will follow up within 3–5 business days to notify you of your acceptance. Any questions can be addressed to teenprograms@hrm.org or vchoy@hrm.org.
Submit your work here by Thursday, May 14 at 11:59pm
Schedule of events:
- 4pm – Junior Docent DJ Dance Warm-up! Junior Docents Kripa and Anna welcome teens to the event. Warm up by dancing to the tunes of our Junior Docent DJ. Show us your moves on Zoom!
- 5pm – Virtual Art Show: Check out the teen virtual exhibition curated by HRM Junior Docents, featuring artwork from all around New York and more! Submit your art by May 14 at 11:59pm.
- 5:30pm – Virtual Open Mic Video Performances: Get ready for an amazing series of performances, from slam poetry to dance and singing, and everything in between. Submit your talent or video by Tuesday, May 12 at 11:59pm.
- 6:30pm – Virtual Fashion Show: Have fun with TikTok videos, and submit your fashion videos by Tuesday, May 14 at 11:59pm.
Stay connected:
- Facebook: @HRMJuniorDocents
- Twitter: @HRMJuniorDocent
- Instagram: @HRMJuniorDocents
- #HRMTeens #HudsonRiverMuseum