Tom Burckhardt: FULL STOP
“This walk-through environment is full of the clutter and paraphernalia of the modern painter, toiling in romantic obscurity against the existential void — except he or she doesn’t seem to be succeeding. The highly detailed and slavishly worked whorl of the stuff of art making and bohemian existence, all carefully constructed of cardboard and painted in a cartoon-like manner, belie the contradiction at the center of the room: a blank canvas sitting on the easel.” —Tom Burckhardt
Tom Burckhardt has created a full-scale replica of a mythical artist’s studio made of cardboard, wood, glue, and flat black paint. The installation, 10 feet high by 18 feet wide, is filled with art historical references, such as Jackson Pollock’s shoes and Jasper John’s Savarin coffee can that holds paintbrushes. Walk through the studio to observe the tools for art making, but you will see no product.
Tom Burckhardt. Full Stop (detail) , 2004–5. Mixed media. Courtesy the artist. Photo: Jeffrey Sturges.